Re. Zotero 3.0b1 and Standalone.
Congratulations. This is very nice. It takes a bit of time--maximum 5 minutes, maybe--getting used to things. I like the red search bar that pops up, as well as the duplicates features, though one has to be careful with the latter because it identifies things that may not be real duplicates, i.e., an article published in two separate parts or issues of a journal, etc. But once one knows this, one can compensate. Very nice.
Really great work. On time for the academic and school year and I imagine you have all been particularly busy over the last few months.
I love the new winword integration - very slick, although I got a bit of a surprise when the red bar first popped up.
Great work all round.
Or maybe it's simplier to just use the keyboard and select the right citation with enter and then press enter again
Small visual suggestion: the Z seems not in line with the icons in the other applications: a bit too fat. Or is that because standalone has a similar fat Z?