New Website

I assume these are just initial glitches, but just in case you're looking for feedback on the new website (all of this with FF 3.6.18 on Linux):
- Clicking on the column headings in My Library doesn't sort
- Clicking on "Edit" for an individual item results in two read bars "Something went wrong but we don't know what" and then a blank field in the middle (where the citation data is usually displayed)
- the Start a new discussion button on the forum is mangled (the two red fields overlap, "discussion" covers most of "Start a new" up.

But concept etc. is looking very good, this is exciting. Also seem very fast.
  • edited August 15, 2011
    Clicking on the column headings in My Library doesn't sort
    Coming within the next couple weeks, along with searching. The functionality is in place, but it's waiting on some additional processing on the server side. Date Modified does sort.
    Clicking on "Edit" for an individual item results in two read bars "Something went wrong but we don't know what" and then a blank field in the middle (where the citation data is usually displayed)
    We're investigating problems with item editing.
    the Start a new discussion button on the forum is mangled (the two red fields overlap, "discussion" covers most of "Start a new" up.
    We haven't seen this, but ajlyon reported it as well.
  • edited August 15, 2011
    the Start a new discussion button on the forum is mangled (the two red fields overlap, "discussion" covers most of "Start a new" up.
    Same here. Additional niggles:
    - there are some dead links at
    - below the forum comment text box, the "Text" and "Html" (which really should be "HTML") options show up arranged vertically below "Format comments as"
    - below the forum comment text box, the buttons "Add your comments" and "Preview Post" have black text on a dark red background, which is unclear (also, it should probably be "Preview post" for case consistency).
  • We're aware of these. Thanks.

  • Clicking on "Edit" for an individual item results in two read bars "Something went wrong but we don't know what" and then a blank field in the middle (where the citation data is usually displayed)
    This appears to be an issue with the history api compatibility library we're using, so I'd expect this will happen with any browser that doesn't support history pushState natively. This shouldn't be a problem to fix but may take a couple days as we triage.

    Keep the issues coming.
  • * When logged in, there is a "download" link in the top right linking to, which gives a 404.

    * The Message Center is a bit messy. The pages and have different formatting:
    - doesn't show the "Inbox"/"Sent"/"Compose" buttons
    - uses a grey background for posts, while uses alternating white and grey
    - doesn't offer the ability to delete sent posts
    - when selecting an sent message at, the Inbox button gets highlighted

    * is the only page of the settings pages showing navigation buttons instead of links.

    * pages like and have no white space between the page content and the grey banner. This is confusing.

    * the links on the right at ("Curriculum Vitae", "Library", "Send Message", "Report Abuse") are now arranged horizontally, which is unclear.

    * on my profile page (, the "Groups" header and listing are positioned next to my followers, instead of below them.

    This is all with Firefox 5.0 on Windows 7.
  • edited August 15, 2011
  • Rewriting is on, at least in that rewritten URLs still resolve.
  • edited August 15, 2011
    Basic library view seems cramped on my 12" laptop screen.

    And related, but perhaps bigger, I'm not a fan of how much vertical real estate is wasted by the current library design; particularly the header (but also the footer). On one hand, it's a lot of space. OTOH, the only search field available is for the whole site, which is definitely not very attractive to me. If I'm in my library, I want it to have the entire focus, which includes a dedicated search field.
  • If I'm in my library, I want it to have the entire focus, which includes a dedicated search field.
    Library searching is coming soon, as I noted above.
  • Fixed. (This is also what was causing the broken links to namespaced pages.)
  • edited August 16, 2011
    * My Library is pretty slow on each first load (could it have to do with size? I have 40+ collections, 80+ tags, 6000+ items). Perhaps some options for a default view would help here, for instance: 10 or 20 most recently added items, some Tag, or some Collection.

    * Obviously, the column names in the Library Settings dialog should be spelled out, but you're probably aware of that.

    * People category links don't work, e.g.

    * Library views don't offer item counts anywhere, except for Tags, which display it in a hover tooltip. Would be nice if collections behaved like Tags, and if total item count were visible somewhere.
  • edited August 16, 2011
    * in Library, date field is not standardized, giving me every variation from 2010-09-21 to 2011/07/26 to 11/2010 to 2010-07. Probably something to be fixed together with sorting by date. The display issues remind me a lot of the date field problems in the client interface and the UI proposals in this thread would probably help here as well.
  • * My Library is pretty slow on each first load (could it have to do with size? I have 40+ collections, 80+ tags, 6000+ items).
    Which part is slow? In a normal browser most of the time libraries should load with no data and at least the frame of the page should load quickly regardless of library. If it is the first page you hit it is likely to be slower. The method for that is not great right and may be breaking for you.
    * in Library, date field is not standardized, giving me every variation from 2010-09-21 to 2011/07/26 to 11/2010 to 2010-07. Probably something to be fixed together with sorting by date.
    The website currently does no parsing on these, so what you see is the raw date field in your library. We are going to try for consistency with the client where possible so something approximating the same behaviour should get there eventually.
  • The page frame loads okay indeed, it's just that the jquery wheels spin for a long time on first load. That gives me the feeling it is loading/checking a lot of data behind the scenes.
  • * no Empty Trash functionality

    * items in Trash can be "Moved to Trash" but not permanently deleted

    * attachments moved to Trash keep showing up under parent item also (confusingly)

    * toolbars in Trash same as elsewhere (not context sensitive) — makes it seem like it is possible to delete Trash, rename it, add a subcollection to it, or create a new item in it.

    * it is in fact possible to create a new item from the toolbar in Trash, but the item is added to My Library.
  • On the front page, can "Zotero is the only research tool that automatically senses content and adds it to your personal library with a single click." be changed to "Zotero automatically senses content and adds it to your personal library with a single click."?

    Mendeley ( and EndNote Web ( offer similar features.
  • One thing I find missing is the most current version of Zotero (on the home screen). Disappointing.
  • delenca: Just click Download. It takes you to a download page that lists the current version.
  • I wasn't clear. I know that. I was just expressing my opinion that it should be on the main page. I like to open the main Zotero page, see if there are news and double-check that the version hasn't changed. That is all.
  • There's no longer just one version of the Zotero client, and all versions of Zotero update automatically by default. For the few people who want to manually check the version, an extra click seems pretty reasonable.
  • * on the Groups page, Private group libraries are described as "Enabled (Anyone can view, only admins can edit)". Suggest rephrasing to "any member can view, only admins can edit".
  • * search results (for the google powered search):
    When I click on the "2" to get to the second page of the results, the results are appended on the bottom and another numbers bar is added next to the first one. Clicking on the "3" a third numbers bar is added.
    Hard to describe - here are the three number bars next to each other:
  • * search results (for the google powered search):
    Fix one thing, break another. Thanks for the report.

    Are you still getting issues with editing items as in your first post?
  • I haven't done any heavy testing, but editing seems to work now, thanks.
  • When logged into the new website and in "Library," when I click the "Create new item" button, it briefly flashes the screen to start creating the new item but then reverts back to the main library page after about 2 seconds.

    (I am using Safari 4.1 which is admittedly not the most up-to-date)
  • When I click on the pagination / page number links at the bottom of a Google-produced search page (like, the updated pagination is simply appended to the existing, as in this screenshot, where I'd already clicked to load several pages of results:
  • ajlyon - that's the error I report 4 posts above ;-)
  • Well, I can't be expected to search the forum before posting, now can I? Monkey see, monkey do.
  • The "Search" button at still has black text.
This discussion has been closed.