Citation with HTML tags in Google but not in Word

edited September 23, 2022
In Google docs:
Francisco Malta Romeiras, Jesuits and the Book of Nature: Science and Education in Modern Portugal, Jesuit Studies 25, Leiden; Boston, Brill, 2019

<<span style="text-decoration:none;">><<span style="font-variant:small-caps;">>Malta Romeiras<</span>><</span>>, <<i>>Jesuits and the Book of Nature<</i>>

in Word:
Francisco MALTA ROMEIRAS, Jesuits and the Book of Nature: Science and Education in Modern Portugal, Jesuit Studies 25, Leiden; Boston, Brill, 2019

MALTA ROMEIRAS, Jesuits and the Book of Nature

(I had to replace angled brackets with << so that the Forum does not render the HTML. The problem exaclty is that the plain HTML is shown in Google Docx

Something seems to be wrong with the Google CSL porcessor. My CSL is here (it's messy):
  • edited September 23, 2022
    The problem is solved if <<layout delimiter="; ">> is changed to <<layout delimiter="; " suffix=".">>

    It's odd, because I dont wan't any delimiter suffix
  • Does it happen only with this citations style? Does it happen in a new document? Does it happen regardless of which item you cite?
  • Yes, only with this style (I haven't modified other styles' layout delimiter however.
    No, with any Google Document (in MS Word, this issue does not show). Yes, any item I cite (I think), but only in the subsequent shortened citation.
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