Doi for book-section types

edited September 21, 2022
Why is the DOI field missing from Book sections?
It is very common these days to publish booksections (incollections) with their own DOIs. It has been quite a while since this has been a standard approach for a lot of online publisher. You can look at Oxford Online, for example. here is an example: In this book, all the articles (chapters) inside the edited book come with their own DOIs.

But, the Book section types in Zoreto are missing the DOI field. Why is that, and what can we do about it?
  • edited September 21, 2022
    This will likely happen in a future version of Zotero.
    In the meantime you can enter this in the extra field like such and styles that support it will use this data.
    DOI: 10/.......
  • Dear @damnation, thank you for the instant reply. Yes, I am using the Extra field for now. But, the problem is, the pdf resolvers in Zotero cannot use that field. The Doi needs to be inside the DOI field for the resolvers to work.
  • The DOI field will be added to all item types in a future version of Zotero
  • That will be great. Thank you.
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