No logro sincronizar

This discussion was created from comments split from: no se sincroniza.
  • Saludos.
    No logro sincronizar mi biblioteca de zotero con el servidor. Verifiqué que el usuario y contraseña están correcto porque he podido visualizar la biblioteca y sus registros desde la sección del zotero.
  • What's the exact problem that you're encountering? Spanish is fine, but you need to tell us what exactly is happening.

    But basically, make sure you're entering your username and password in the Sync pane of the preferences and clicking Set Up Syncing.
  • I am experiencing the same problem. I am pretty sure that I am using the correct username and password. But the program says "El servidor de sincronización de Zotero no ha aceptado su usuario y contraseña".
  • @jacerosg: If you're seeing that in the preferences, you're entering the wrong username or password. If you're seeing that main window, you may just not have clicked Set Up Syncing in the Sync preferences.
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