Style that is not a valid CSL 1.0.1 style file

When I install the style "Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae" I get the message that it is not a vaild CSL 1.0.1 style file and that it may not work properly with Zotero. I have not seen this message before. Is it possible for you to make it a valid style file?

Kind regards,
Malin Persson
SLU University Library
  • edited September 15, 2022
    CSL had an update recently, to version 1.0.2. So there might be new terms used in that style that are not known by CSL 1.0.1 and hence the warning.

    In the last update to the style, requested by you, we utilised the CSL variable "software" which is indeed such a new variable.

    You can just ignore the warning, but I assume you're just on an outdated version of Zotero that still only has CSL1.0.2.
    Which version are you on?
  • Yes, I could have had an old version of Zotero! It just now updated to 16.0.13 and I can't see what version it was before the update.

    Thank you for the quick reply!

    And thank you for helping with the update of the style file this summer!

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