citation shows the initials only, instead of surnames of two authors.

Hi, I have just started using Zotero, and have no experience on such software before.

I am trying to display surnames of two authors in the text, but it insists using initials of first names of them. How can I do that ?
in text:(N. and S 2016)
biblio: N., Poddar, and Sabtharishi S. 2016. “Alkaline Phosphatase Activity in...........

How can I make it appear as (Poddar and Sabthrarishi, 2016), in text ?
I am trying to use APA-6, since APA-7 converts everything to single letter abbrevs.
  • I guess then your data is not entered correctly in Zotero itself.
    Make sure last names are in the last name field, and the same for the first name.
  • @damnation This is how it looks like in bibTeX;

    author = {N., Poddar and S., Sabtharishi},
    date = {2016},
    title = {Alkaline phosphatase activity in developmental stages of Asia I and Asia II-1 populations of whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius},
    volume = {110},
    doi = {10.18520/cs/v110/i8/1564-1568.},
    language = {en},
    journal = {Curr. Sci},
    number = {25}
  • @damnation ok solved when I changed name/surname entry orders in zotero app's "info" tab. Thank you!
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