Missing series editor in bibliographic entries (CMOS)

Apologies if this has been discussed before.

CMOS 17 ed shows books in series with series editors should be cited so:
Cochrane, Eric W., Charles K. Gray, and Mark Kishlansky. Early Modern Europe: Crisis of Authority. Readings in Western Civilization, edited by John W. Boyer and Julius Kirshner, vol. 6. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987.

In Zotero (6.0.13) I have entered the title, the authors, the series editors, the series title, the series number, place, publisher and date. The bibliography entry that is generated looks like this:

Cochrane, Eric W, Charles K Gray, and Mark Kishlansky. Early Modern Europe: Crisis of Authority. Readings in Western Civilization, vol. 6. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987.

Any ideas how to get the series editors' names included?

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