How do you manage your digital images?

This isn't a Zotero question, but I thought this might be a good forum in which to ask it. I was curious as to how readers might manage their digital images? I am a Mac user and would like the sort of annotation ability that Atlas.ti gives, in which you can annotate a portion of an image (and the portion will then be searchable). HyperRESEARCH gives this ability, but it doesn't allow you to zoom in/out on images. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  • Lightroom, by Adobe, is a terrific program for managing photographic images. You can sort, catalogue, edit, back up, print (final and contact sheets), and do pretty much everything else that involves images. It integrates easily with Photoshop, but it also reduces greatly the need to use that program. I have several thousand of my images in my copy of Lightroom, and can search for and find the particular image that I want lickety-split. It's expensive, like all Adobe stuff, but once you have it, you're not likely to ever need another such program.
    --Fred Powledge
  • I know a lot of researchers who work with digital images of text (from archives) use Picasa, which is fast, and has a nice tagging feature, though I doubt that you can annotate portions of an image.
  • I use for my images. It does have an annotating function, but I never use it.
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