Update numbers of edited references?

I really enjoy the option to edit entries in the bibliography.
F.i. I like to add: For a typical example see: .
Of course it is good that no change occurs to this edit by a refresh.
What bothers me however is that if I insert another reference before the edited one, the refresh does not update the increased reference number. So I have to do that by another edit.
So I would like to keep the edited parts unchanged but not the reference numbers which should still be managed by Zotero.
I really wonder if I am the only one with this problem.
  • I'm not clear what you mean here. Can you give a fuller example?

    Are you asking about citations or the bibliography? You can add a prefix to citations by via the citation dialog.
  • I am talking about the bibliography.

    typical entry:
    (26) Edelmann, F. T.; Farnaby, J. H.; Jaroschik, F.; Wilson, B. Coord. Chem. Rev. 2019, 398, 113005.

    Once I edit to:
    (26) For a really comprehensive survey of organolanthanide chemistry see the annual reviews by Frank Edelmann and co-workers, the latest of which is: Edelmann, F. T.; Farnaby, J. H.; Jaroschik, F.; Wilson, B. Coord. Chem. Rev. 2019, 398, 113005.

    the "(26)" of the entry seems to be part of the edit and once I insert a reference before 26, there will be no update of the edited entry to:

    (27) For a really comprehensive survey of organolanthanide chemistry see the annual reviews by Frank Edelmann and co-workers, the latest of which is: Edelmann, F. T.; Farnaby, J. H.; Jaroschik, F.; Wilson, B. Coord. Chem. Rev. 2019, 398, 113005.

    I was not aware of the prefix, maybe because I prefer the classical view. But this might solve my problem. I will check!
  • It sounds like you're using the bibliography like endnotes rather than a numeric bibliography. I'd recommend a note-based style (like Chicago Manual full note) using prefix/suffix for that purpose.

    Notes added to a numeric bibliography are a conceptual mess: e.g., if you're citing the Edelman et al. paper again, the style would again refer to the number 27 but the note may no longer apply.
    You're obviously free to disagree and keep using numeric styles as you currently are, but it's highly unlikely that the current way the bibliography stops updating when you editing individual entries is going to change.

  • I agree to your point that referring to an edited entry of the bibliography a second time would be problematic. True enough.
    However, my choice of style is not entirely up to me but more a requirement of the journal I want to submit my papers to. Most chemistry journal I am submitting my stuff to, require numeric styles.
    Anyway, I guess I have to continue with the way I am proceeding now, that I finish everthing (i.e. insert all my references) before I edit the bibliography in a final step.
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