Global Editions or International Student Editions

Many American textbooks are available in other countries as "Global Edition" or "International Student Edition". As a result, you can have "Principles of Economics, 5th Edition" in US and "Principles of Economics, 5th Edition, Global Edition" in other markets.

Adding the US edition to Zotero is simple:

- Title: Principles of Economics
- Edition: 5

What is the correct way to add a Global Edition?

- Title: ?
- Edition: ?
  • I thought the global edition was generally identical except printed on worse paper stock & not legally sold in the US/Western Europe?

    If I'm right about this, 5 is all you need.

    If I'm not, add it to the Edition field: "5th edition, Global edition"
  • You're correct about the content: it's generally identical. Anyway the year of publication and the location of publisher can differ. Moreover ISBN is always different. So I think "5th edition, Global edition" could be more appropriate.

    More in general: what is the right way to fill the edition field? 5 or 5th edition?

  • 5 if you just have edition. Everything you want in the citation otherwise
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