文件同步报错id:1047813300。电脑拖拽的CAJ文件,ipad上无法同步。File sync error id: 1047813300. CAJ files dragged and dropp



CAJ files dragged and dropped by computer can't be synced on ipad, pdf files can be synced.

File synchronization error report id: 1047813300
  • [JavaScript Error: "您的 WebDAV 服务器对 PUT 请求返回了 HTTP 403 错误。
    Note that your error report shows you getting HTTP 403 Forbidden errors from your WebDAV server, so unless you resolved that that could account for some files not syncing. All WebDAV uploads are zipped, so the file type shouldn't matter.

    But also the iPad app doesn't know anything about CAJ files, so if you're expecting to be able to open those within the app the same way that you can open PDF files, that won't work.
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