The fontsize of the PDF reading interface can not be modulated by the View menu

edited September 7, 2022
As we know, the font size of the library interface can be modified through the fontsize option in the View menu, but the fontsize in the panels on both sides of the PDF reading interface cannot be changed synchronously
  • edited September 7, 2022
  • Yeah, the fontsize on the left side is quite small to edit notes, especially when I'm going to comment it.
  • This problem has also been bothering me, especially when operating on a larger screen, the severe font limitation and the appearance of the mismatched size situation, which greatly affects the reading and management experience, I hope it can be solved
  • For me, the font size in the right pane is the same as font in the top menu and tab labels.

    However, on my 3440x1440 screen, the font size in the annotations and doc outline panes looks to be 8 points. Tiny compared to 14 point size I have set everywhere else.

    For finer font control in Windows (especially file explorer), I use System Font Size Changer. It's shareware, minimal cost and one license allows use of all his font sizer tools. Get directly from the developer at I've developed software for 20+ years and appreciate a great tool like when I see it - they are rare.
  • edited September 8, 2022
    The issue is that the minimum font size in the UI is set to zero.

    Here is the solution:
    1. Go to Edit | Preferences | Advanced
    2. Click Config Editor
    3. Search for "font.minimum-size.x-"
    4. Change the setting that matches your language. For US english, it is "font.minimum-size.x-western"
    5. Click OK

    What's great is that the zotero window updates immediately so you can keep increasing the size until it's right for you.

    Kudos to Zotero!!!
  • No, the issue is just that the PDF reader doesn't currently use the font size pref. We'll try to address that in a future version.
  • @dstillman That would certainly make for a smoother experience, but no takesies backsies on the kudos. After 20+ years in software development and quality assurance, I'm happy for *any* kind of answer that solves the problem. And this one was pretty painless.
  • This is fixed in Zotero 6.0.14, available now.
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