when taking website snapshot of wos search via chrome zotero connector, it will fail if doing twice

edited August 31, 2022
It will generally work fine for the first time I import such a page; however, since we usually need to modify the query keywords to change the search results, then zotero connector fails to capture the same webpage (whose contents has been updated according to the search keywords I have input).

This issue occurs occasionally, but sometimes it will work properly. However, it is also likely that the more recent saved version will overwrite the version I captured. Not sure what is the cause.

I believe that this feature is needed, because I would often need to modify the keywords to see what kind of search results it will end up with, and quite often, I need to record search results corresonding to queries with some keywords modified.
  • Can you post the URL and the full steps that you take, what happens at each and what you expect?
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