Unfiled folder/collection

I have files in the Unfiled folder and I want to MOVE them to a collection NOT copy them. When I use the shift key to do the move to a collection the icon remains the + icon.

How do I move files out of the unfiled folder?
  • I found that you can use a menu process to move items out.
    Is it a bug that you cannot do a drag/drop as you can between other collections?
  • edited August 28, 2022
    This request doesn't make sense. Unfiled Items is just a virtual collection showing items that aren't in any collections. If you drag an item from there to a collection, it's no longer an unfiled item and will disappear from that list. There's no reason you'd need to use a modifier key.
  • OK. When I get more in that 'virtual' collection I will do the drag and drop. The confusion is... you can drag and drop with the + 'copy' icon present. What I expected, as is how this works elsewhere, is that I could hold down the shift key to not make a 'copy' but to MOVE it. Holding the shift key when dragging out of that virtual folder does not change the icon. It remains the copy icon. Which is confusing because I didn't want a copy.

    But if that is how it works, then fine. Now I know.
    Thx for the reply
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