Copying a Windows file path from a Zotero note results in extra backslashes

Using Zotero notes, I often store the Windows file path to access a file on my computer (e.g., "U:\test\mgmt\mission_statement.docx"). In past versions of Zotero (such as ver. 5), I could copy this Windows file path, paste it in the Windows Start menu, hit the Enter key, and the file would open up.

Now, however, under Zotero 6.0.13, when I copy the path and paste it, the path changes such that backslashes are doubled, like this: "U:\\test\\mgmt\\mission_statement.docx"

Of course, Windows does not know what to do with such a path, so when it it pasted into the Windows Start menu, Windows cannot find the file.

Any help fixing this issue would be appreciated!
  • After rebooting my computer. I am no longer seeing this issue. I will send a new post if I see this behavior occurring again.
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