Display full creators in 'Authors' column

For showing first author and last author(corresponding author) in 'Authors' column, you can try this plugin from:

  • edited August 26, 2022
    Thank you very much for your work!
    I have tested it with Zotero 6.0.13-beta.2+3abd72095 on Windows 10.

    Just after adding the plugin, it worked for some time. Then I tried to sort by the new "Authors" column. Then the central library pane went blank, not showing any items anymore. The Debug Output showed some error starting with (I can send you the full error message if you need):
    [JavaScript Error: "Error sorting fields: too much recursion"] ...

    I have tried to remove the plugin and add it again. This time, it directly went blank, without working at all. I guess it remembered the sorting by "Authors" column.

    I have then disabled the plugin, sorted by another column, and enabled it again. This time it worked again.

    Another comment: I would still prefer to see the last name first, similar to the format in Mendeley Desktop.
    Current format: Jack Smith,.,Tom Katz
    Mendeley Desktop like format: Smith, Jack;.;Katz, Tom
    I still find it easier to navigate the authors with the last name first. And it would retain the same ordering ability as the "Creator" column. I don't think ordering by first name would be really useful.

    I would also appreciate the option to show all the authors. But to be really useful, it would probably need to display each item on 2 lines (as in Mendeley) rather than 1.
  • Thank you for your comments.

    1. If the authors went back when double-clicking 'Authors' column title, then may there be some missing data of your item.

    2. The exchange of the First name and Family name just for the Chinese.

    Please open a new issue at https://github.com/normanleiden/zotero-plugin-full-creator/issues if there are any further questions.
  • Thank you for your reply.
    I have posted in GitHub as you suggested.
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