[Deprecated] Desktop/iPad syncing problem after renaming attachment

edited August 24, 2022
I use Zotero on both my Mac and my iPad. I rely on a third-party WebDAV service to sync my attachments. Now, if I do this:

1. Add an entry and attach the PDF to that entry on my iPad;
2. Come to my Mac, sync, and use ZotFile to rename the attached PDF of that entry;
3. Go back to my iPad, sync, and try to open the PDF attached to the entry;

Zotero on iPad would report an error ("The attached file is not available on the WebDAV server. Please check that the file has synced on the device where it was added."), giving me a red exclamation mark on the PDF icon.

Is there a way to overcome this problem? Or is this a bug?



I am unable to reproduce this issue now. I guess it was due to a network failure.
  • Can you reproduce this if you rename the file using Zotero, via either Rename File from Parent Metadata or by clicking on the attachment title in the right-hand pane of the attachment item?
  • Sorry. I am unable to reproduce this now. I guess it was due to network issues.
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