Mapping something to "archive" or "archiveLocation" in EndNote XML.js

Hello! I'm helping to migrate a complicated EndNote library into Zotero, so I'm editing the EndNote XML translator (for the first time ever, so this may not be the last of my posts on the topic). When I edit it to map a given EndNote field to "callnumber" or "rights," it works totally fine, but if I do the exact same mapping to "archive" or "archiveLocation," nothing shows up. What am I missing? Thanks!
  • There's nothing special about those fields, so we'd have to see your modified translator code to say more, and ideally a sample EndnoteXML entry. Generally I'd expect this to work if you modify (and uncomment) lines 248 and 249 in the code. (post code to,, or a similar code sharing site)
  • Thanks, knowing that it should work helped me fix it.
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