Text dissapears while entering text into fields of the info pane

Debug ID's D1745743674 and D1272575220

I am in the processes of migrating to Zotero from Mendeley and have begun adding/correcting info and tags for papers using the desktop program for Windows 10.

My problem is that when I type or paste data into fields of the info tab the text is constantly being deleted, either entirely or portions of the text. For example, when typing the title for a paper several letters or words will dissappear after they've been entered, or all text will. It's especially bad when adding authors. I'll type in the last name, hit tab or click into the first name field, and the last name I entered will dissapear. If I'm adding a second or more author the text will dissapear and automatically place the cursor in the abstract field, often while I'm typing. It can take 3+ tries to get the information into the field.

My debug output does not seem to show any errors other than I have run out of room for uploading more papers to the cloud. I've stopped and started debug output logging multiple times as I try to enter information in the info tab but there's no difference in the log.

Possibly related to issues reported here (https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/comment/378250/#Comment_378250) and here (https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/87852/text-in-notes-section-randomly-and-consistently-disappears)
  • edited August 17, 2022
    Can you provide a Debug ID for a single instance of this happening after restarting Zotero, and also share the exact steps you took and what happened? The debug output you provided includes a whole bunch of edits, and it's a bit hard to see what exactly occurred.
  • Also, can you reproduce this for a new item, or only one that was imported from Mendeley?
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