Error w/ 2.0b7.4 - red box hang on item save.

I am frequently getting a 'no error' error when saving a web item to a collection, often a red box in the lower rt corner appears, but never goes away. And the file doesn't save to the collection. Doesn't occur with all items.
  • Hi Dan,

    Thx for the reply.

    Here is one that didn't work: (hangs for over a full timed minute, and apparently longer.)

    Here is one that works (tried right after):

    Perhaps it is a timeout issue?
  • Zotero uses different translators on different sites, so issues saving from one site usually don't have anything to do with errors on another site. You need to look at the Zotero translator being used, which you can see in the tooltip when you hover over the address bar icon.

    In the case of, Zotero is just using the DOI translator, which is a generic translator used when it finds a DOI on a webpage. The DOI on the page you linked to isn't in CrossRef's database, as you can see test on Nothing Zotero can do about that. We'll fix the issue with the red box, though—that should just display a regular error.
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