SciELO Translator modification request

edited May 16, 2023
This is more paper-cut than essential.

Please consider removing the first word of the summary "Resumen" or "Resumo" much as has been done with the words "Abstract" and "Summary" for most of the English language journal translators.

Thank you.
  • @DWL-SDCA Could you provide an example? When I looked at this page, for example, the translator removed "RESUMO" from the beginning of the abstract.
  • edited May 15, 2023
    It appears that there was a update to the translator and the word has been removed. A big thank you to whoever made the change!

    I edited the title to indicate that this issue has been resolved.
  • I edited the title to indicate that this issue has been resolved.
    It's actually better if you don't do this — it throws off threading in external readers, which makes it harder for those of us managing the forums. A future forums update might add a metadata field for this, but the title should be left alone.
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