Zotero extension on Chrome won't save PDF

It complains that "This item could not be saved because Zotero is not open or is unreachable. Please open Zotero and try again." But I do not want to install Zotero to my desktop.
  • It's not currently possible to save a PDF directly to the web library (among other things because the web library doesn't support PDF metadata retrieval, so you wouldn't end up with a proper metadata item). For any significant work in Zotero, you should expect to use the desktop app.
  • I have installed the Zotero desktop app. But when I tried to sync in "Zotero Preferences - Sync - Settings", after tying in my User name and Password, then click on "Set Up Syncing", but then I got such error: SSL certificate error connecting to api.zotero.org
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