Zotero Web Library

Hi there, just wondering if the zotero web library automatically syncs or if I have to click a button to ensure it is syncing?
  • Your web library just shows the data you have online. It's the desktop app and iOS app that sync.

  • Thanks dstillman. So just so I understand, any work I do on the browser (adding items, pdfs, tagging keywords etc) will only be accessible on the browser and will not sync with my desktop App Library?
  • Assuming you have sync and file sync enabled, sync really means that all instances of your Zotero are "in sync," i.e. anything you do on any of them (whether that's Computer 1, Computer 2, website, or iOS app) will transfer and be available on all of them.

    The website just doesn't "sync" in the technical sense because it is just a display of the server version of your Zotero library (with which the other instances sync up).
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