PDF Reader - Line breaks depend on color of highlight when using iPad

Forgive me if this issue has already been flagged - I noticed this discussion (https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/95300/bug-ios-ipados-line-breaks-in-highlighted-text) touches on a very similar issue, but doesn't note that the issue is highlight color dependent. Not sure if this has been partially solved or maybe it's a me problem!

I have been using and loving the PDF reader to highlight and take notes on my iPad. I am using the latest version, as far as I can tell (1.0.3). However, I have noticed that when I add a note from annotations, text highlighted in any color besides yellow preserves line breaks as they exist in the PDF I'm highlighting from. Just wondering if there's any way to make it so that extracting annotations in any color highlight will remove line breaks? I don't have the same problem when I highlight the PDF on my desktop.

Screenshots of the difference between notes extracted in yellow vs notes extracted in green/blue are here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5ka0frn0e41v91x/highlights.PNG?dl=0

Thank you!
  • Hi @carawohnsigl, can you provide the PDF that is causing this issue for you? I couldn't reproduce this on my side. If you don't want to share the PDF here, please send it to support@zotero.org and mention this thread. Thanks!
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