Feature: Perm link into item content

I use Trello and iThoughts (Mind mapping) tools, would like to be able to have a perm link (local on MacOS namespace, or portal) to an item. The purpose is to be able to read PDF within Zotero and link to the Intermec in trello card or other tools. It will be nice to be able to link to cite highlighted in iThoughts.

Can anyone enlighten me how to achieve the above? Thanks so much.
  • A couple options. If you only care about the file, you can right click on the item in zotero and say Show File, and then you can link to that file in your other programs.

    If you want a link that will open zotero, someone probably knows a better way, but the only way I know is that you can make a highlight in the pdf, and then drag this highlight out of zotero into something like a text editor. It will have a link that starts with "zotero://" and then the item. In windows, if you click on this link, it will open zotero to the item. I don't know about mac.

    The link will go to this annotation. If you do not want that, you can delete the part that contains "&annotation=" and then the annotation identifier.
  • Install the Zutilo plugin. It adds “Copy Zotero Select Link” to the right-click menu.
  • It worked. A reminder that some context commands need to be enabled in Zotero preference page. For example "Copy Zotero Select Link" is default "hide" in context menu. Thanks for the enlightenment!
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