Two questions about The Economist

For historical reasons, The Economist refers to itself as a newspaper. In fact it looks to me like a weekly magazine. Should I add its articles in Zotero as "Newspaper Article" or "Magazine Article"?

Almost all articles in The Economist have no bylines: the magazine speaks with a collective voice. Anyway, there are some exceptions: in particular, special reports (a set of articles on a single topic published every month or so) are almost always written by a single journalist whose name is disclosed in the opening article. I frequently cite from The Economist: both single articles and whole special reports. Single articles are added to Zotero with an empty author field. Should I leave that field empty also for special reports, just to give uniformity to all entries from the same source?
  • I would personally enter it as a magazine article and omit the authors (in most styles, this will mean the article is cited by title).
  • I agree with your policy. I have just another question about The Economist.

    Sometimes The Economist publishes "by invitation" articles, written by external experts or policy makers, not magazine's journalists. Of course in that case the author's name is disclosed, sometimes in the title of the article: "Jack Watling on how Ukraine can avoid a war of attrition", "Somalia’s president wants help to fight Africa’s terrorist groups", etc.

    Could be appropriate in that case (and only in that case) to cite the author's name (sometimes repeated in the title)?
  • I don’t think it matters one way or the other. Citing the author seems appropriate to me
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