Sync problems with Webdav

Hey folks--

I've had this problem before, and was hoping to switch to Zotero storage to fix it, but I'm out of time to wait and out of Zotero storage space already, so here's my webdav problem.

PDF files stored/loaded on each of the computers I work on do not show up on other computers. I get the message "The attached file cannot be found. It may have been moved or deleted outside of Zotero." The files are still on their original computers, and I get no sync errors. My webdav folder appears to have all the files in it...and at one point I was able to find in one of the folders one of the pdf files it said I couldn't locate.

I've reset, restarted, resynced, etc, to no avail.

Zotero storage works great for my group library. No problems with pdf files there. But alas I am out of room.

So what should I do now? Thank you !
  • What WebDAV service/server? There's a known problem with IIS (i.e., Windows) servers if they're not set to serve unknown file types (specifically, the .prop and 'lastsync' files Zotero currently uses).
  • Hey Dan--

    That might be the problem. It's a webdav through my university. I can't say I know anything about it.

    Would that be a setting that can be changed or would I need to find another service? Or does that depend on my university's IT folks?

    Thanks for your help!
  • Ah. Looking into it a little more, it looks like without IE, I can't upload. Bummer.

    When's the zotero storage coming? :)
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