Internal Server error when using API with Zotero-API-Key

I have a script that calls the Zotero API and harvests items in a collection for use in another application. The script has been working very well (thanks Zotero team for a very usable API), however I now need to use the script on a collection that requires authorization. I have added the Zotero-API-Key to the header in my API request and can return the first 50 results of the collection, anything above 50 gives me an 'Internal Server' error.

Requests are configured like so:

With a Zotero-API-Key in the header of the request.

Response looks like this:

<response status="500" message="Internal Server Error" spent-millis="1818">
<header name="date" value="Sat, 23 Jul 2022 15:15:29 GMT"/>
<header name="server" value="Apache/2.4.54 ()"/>
<header name="strict-transport-security" value="max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload"/>
<header name="zotero-api-version" value="3"/>
<header name="zotero-schema-version" value="17"/>
<header name="total-results" value="803"/>
<header name="link" value="..."/>
<header name="content-length" value="17"/>
<header name="connection" value="close"/>
<header name="content-type" value="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<body media-type="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<html xmlns:html="" xmlns="">
<body>An error occurred</body>

Any ideas on where I am going wrong with these requests would be appreciated.
Thank you,

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