Direct link to open up zotero with item key

I used to generate links to Zotero items in the format
(1) [ZOTERO](zotero://select/items/@kandasamyEffectiveLocationMicro2020)

In the above link, the key to the Zotero entry is @kandasamyEffectiveLocationMicro2020.

However, when I reinstalled Zotero (v6.0.9) the key is no longer valid.
If I try to generate Zotero URI using the Zutilo plugin, for the same entry I get

This is very inconvenient for me as I have already used format (1) across all of my notes.

These keys (1) can be easily generated. E.g. mentioned key @kandasamyEffectiveLocationMicro2020 is generated from title "Effective location of micro joints and generation of tool path using heuristic and genetic approach for cutting sheet metal parts", author "Kandasamy" and year 2020.

Is there some way to assign keys from (1) to every Zotero item again, for example by installing some plugin or enabling the option in Zotero ?
  • zotero://select links using citekeys is a feature of Better BibTeX, not Zotero.
  • Thank you @dstillman

    It is really the feature of BibTeX and not Zotero.

    After installing BibTeX plugin, it even asked me if I want to use BBT citekeys format or Zotero default citekey format. The correct option to achieve (1) citekey was to choose BBT citekey format.
  • That question just sets the default, and TBH that default just happens to be my personal preference, nothing more. You can change it to a much more elaborate formula if you want at any later point.
  • @slarty I'm trying to configure my Zotero library to create links in the format you described in (1). I have Better BibTeX and Zutilo installed. But when I right-click an item within my Zotero library and choose "Copy select item links" under the Zutilo submenu, the link it generates does not use the citekey. It looks like this: zotero://select/library/items/AKHAHU5V
    The cite key for this particular item is marx1990_Cap. Where can I find the option to use BBT citekey format, like you described above?
  • edited August 9, 2022
    @aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa is can be achieved using the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+C.

    This should copy to your clipboard the citation key in format (1), e.g. zotero://select/items/@vaswaniAttentionAllYou2017.

    If it does not happen or the format is not as described in (1), it can be set in
    Edit -> Preferences -> Export. There, look at "Quick Copy" section and set "Item Format" to "Better BibTeX Quick Copy: Zotero select link".
  • I have the same problem as @aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, and have done all thos steps that @slarty recomend, but still the same problem. My copy looks like this: zotero://select/library/items/LFRJUMLD
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