LibreOffice + Zotero Citation: ET AL

Dear community,

I'd like to request an "et al. or authors name" option (as a radio button for example) in the dialog box when you are adding a reference.

Sometimes I'd prefer to expose all authors' name, but other times I'd prefer to use "et al.".

I can't see any workaround to it and in styles cls file that i'm using, the option is only for listing all, i don't know even how to do a "count" workaround, as if authors < 2, list all then, if more than two authors, list with et. al.

Is there any alternative to this?

  • We're definitely not going to put an option in for this, no; that's too unusual of a request to
    In CSL, the two relevant attributes are et-al-min="k" and et-al-use-first="i",
    where k>i and the rule is:
    "If an item has at least k authors, print the first i followed by et al." (and, correspondingly, if an item has less than k authors, print all of them).

    Both options also have a -subsequent variant that only applies for citations (not in the bibliography) that allows you to treat items differently on first and subsequent citation.
    The whole CSL specifications are available: Not everything is easy to follow and we're happy to answer questions, but the et al section should be pretty clear.
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