Inter Research import fails

I tried to import the following reference from an inter research journal into zotero and it failed:

The error message (also in bug report #1351574521) was:

Error: TypeError: doc.evaluate("//div[@class=\"abs-footer\"]", doc, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext().textContent.match(/date:\s+(.*)P/) is null
Source File: file:///home/dmk/docs/refs/zotero/translators/Inter-Research%20Science%20Center.js
Line: 0
  • Here is another paper that fails to import:
  • OK, trying a few more references, I found that none of the MEPS references appear to work. I haven't looked at the other Inter-Research journals, but it looks like they have a standard api that should work for all their journals.

    Rooting around in the translator, I made a couple of changes to fix importation of the date and the DOI of a reference and it now works fine for me. I would like to contribute this back to zotero, but I don't think I have svn permissions for the translators (I do have it for the csl files). Therefore, I have placed the modified translator on a website:

    Note that I have changed the name of the file to make the link simple.

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