Custom copy-paste to Evernote


I would like to customize the transfer of information from Zotero to Evernote. I would like to be able to include the citation in any CSL format, including DOI links, but also links to the pdf in Zotero ("open-pdf") and other notes content in the pdf file if possible.

I have first tried the shortcut Ctrl+c. but it does not copy anything when an item is selected in the library panel.
I guess it is not yet updated in Zotero 6?

Then I have looked at Quick Copy, but there does not seem to be anything simple for Evernote.
I have tried to create a translator following the information in these links:

But I am still missing some information.
- For example, I don't understand why the results for Quick Copy and drag and drop in Evernote is different. The drag and drop from the pdf file in Zotero seems to include links to the local pdf file everywhere. I could not find documentation on this, or how to change the behaviour. I would prefer the link to go to the Zotero pdf viewer instead, and be able to control where the link goes.
- I have tried a simple change like changing "minVersion" from "2.0" to "6.0". Then the "libraryID" becomes "undefined".
- Is it possible to call another translator inside a translator to format the output as I want?

I have also looked at Zutilo, but it seems to have only "select" links. I could not find where to get the "open-pdf" link. There is also no option to do any customization. Is there something like translators for custom Zutilo shortcut?

Thank you for your help.

- Zotero 6.0.9
- On Windows 10
- With plugins: DOI Manager, Zotero LibreOffice Integration, Zotero Word for Windows Integration, ZotFile, Zutilo Utility for Zotero, Better BibTex for Zotero.
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