small update needed for style Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae
If you have time I would like to get two updates for the style file.
1. item type: "Book section"
The "In:" and "I:" (Eng/Swe) doesn't appear in the reference as it should. (After Book section Title, called "Chapter title" on the web page that describes the syntax
2. Item type Software
Should follow the syntax:
Source (Year). Title of software (version) [Software]. Link [Date]
It doesn't follow it right now.
The style is described on:
Have a great summer!
Malin Persson
Librarian at SLU University library (that supports the style).
If you have time I would like to get two updates for the style file.
1. item type: "Book section"
The "In:" and "I:" (Eng/Swe) doesn't appear in the reference as it should. (After Book section Title, called "Chapter title" on the web page that describes the syntax
2. Item type Software
Should follow the syntax:
Source (Year). Title of software (version) [Software]. Link [Date]
It doesn't follow it right now.
The style is described on:
Have a great summer!
Malin Persson
Librarian at SLU University library (that supports the style).
1. chapters
this seems to work just fine for me.
Schwarz, W. (2018). Semantic possibility. In: Ball, Derek & Rabern, Bran (eds) The Science of Meaning: Essays on the Metatheory of Natural Language Semantics. Oxford: Oxford Scholarship. 361-380. 10.1093/oso780198739548.001.0001
Mares, I. (2001). Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers? In: Hall, P.A. & Soskice, D. (eds.) Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage. New York: Oxford University Press, 184–213
(also, note that the editors are shown in an inconsistent way in the Schwarz and the Ellingson examples in your .pdfs; please clarify what you want and we can make the edits)
2. WIP...
It should be as in the guideline: (ed.) if one editor and (eds) if more than one.
When it comes to In: we would like it to be a suffix to the Book section title, right now it doesn't appear if the editors field is empty.
No, have a look again. The order of the names is wrong for one.
Ball, Derek & Rabern, Bran (eds)
Ian Warrington (eds)
1. I've reworked how chapters are rendered and it should work now for cases where there is no editors.
2. I have implemented something. Please test.
The correct order, that aligns with the rest of the style is:
Ball, D. & Rabern, B. (eds)
Warrington, I. (ed.)
2. Software doesn't show info about version. I Would like it to be like:
Source (Year). Title of software (Version). Prog.language, Place: Company. URL [Date]
See here that this is working:
Sample output:
R Core Team (2019). R: A language and environment for statistical computing (3.6.1) [Desktop app]. Python, Vienna: R Foundation for Statistical Computing. [2021-12-24]
I'll go on vacation now and won't be back until mid August, you can either update the style now without me checking it again or wait until I am back.