Question - Multiple authors cited
Using 6.0.10 beta for mac. Noting that when I select multiple works to cite using Zotero plug in for Word on Mac, the citation only picks the first one clicked, not multiple. I seem to remember that on the non-beta version, I was able to select multiple works to cite and get multiple authors in the citation. Known issue?
Mark Weiss, PhD, Univ of Miami
Mark Weiss, PhD, Univ of Miami
As a citation and then when updating the bibliography, all three are added in Alpha order.
This functionality was available in the previous version. I remember using it. It doesn't seem to be possible in the beta. Correct me if I am hallucinating.
You've tried basic troubleshooting like restarting Zotero & Word I assume?
edit: though I'm still a bit confused about where you're doing this: When you create citations from within Zotero using create bibliography, you should get multiples, but they would just copy as text; you wouldn't get a bibliography for them.
Thanks for the reply. Keep on keeping on.
For the main citation dialog, you just type search terms and select items from the search results one at a time to add them to the citation.
If you're referring to the classic citation dialog, you need to click "Multiple Sources…" at the bottom of the window before selecting multiple items and clicking the green arrow.