Trouble with Zotero in word on a Mac for > 400 pages thesis

I have great difficulties with Zotero at this stage of my thesis. Most of the time it does not react at all any more.
I cannot update referencing styles (from APA to Harvard), add/ delete authors or update reference info.
Zotero simply doesn't react, I need to force quit or quit normally, start again, same problem.
  • Mac Word is pretty slow, so most likely you just need to wait longer — e.g., in a very large document, it could take an hour to generate a full bibliography.

    Make sure "Automatically update citations" is disabled in the plugin's Document Preferences window, which will allow regular citation inserts to be much faster.
  • edited July 7, 2022
    I realise it takes an eternity, but the problem is that often it doesn't react at all or word doesn't respond, - I don't mind waiting, but this takes longer than hours - , which means I need to force quit and lose work.
    Currently, zotero just ignores my attempt to refresh, nothing happens
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