AMA with preprints

In the AMA Manual Style 11th ed. (according to the online version, which is behind a paywall), the bibliography for preprints are supposed to include the server name (in italic) and preface date with "Printed posted online ".

Here is the example from the relevant section in the manual:
1. Bloss CS, Wineinger NE, Peters M, et al. A prospective randomized trial examining health care utilization in individuals using multiple smartphone-enabled biosensors. bioRxiv. Preprint posted online October 28, 2015. doi:10.1101/029983

The csl style shipped with Zotero lacks the preprint server name, and has the preface incorrect. Using AMA 11th ed. in Zotero, I get the following:
1. Evans R, O’Neill M, Pritzel A, et al. Protein complex prediction with AlphaFold-Multimer. Published online March 10, 2022:2021.10.04.463034. doi:10.1101/2021.10.04.463034

The expected outcome is this:
1. Evans R, O’Neill M, Pritzel A, et al. Protein complex prediction with AlphaFold-Multimer. bioRxiv. Preprint posted online March 10, 2022:2021.10.04.463034. doi:10.1101/2021.10.04.463034

The proposed changes:
1. Include in italic the preprint server name after the title, and follow with full stop.
2. Preface the date with "Preprint posted online "

This also affects style that are dependents of, or derivatives of AMA, of course. (And thank you for adding the preprint item type. It is impossible to avoid preprints now.)
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