Order files by file size
Hi all,
Is there a way to order Zotero attachments by file size? I'm over my sync limit, but I know for a fact I have a bunch of stuff in there that can be deleted.
I followed instructions to locate the storage folder on my computer, but within that folder all Zotero items are stored in separate folders with an 8-digit codename (XWJDHDWI etc.). Short of clicking through all folders individually, is there some way of doing this? I'm not an IT expert so please bear that in mind with any suggestions or if i'm failing to do something obvious.
Is there a way to order Zotero attachments by file size? I'm over my sync limit, but I know for a fact I have a bunch of stuff in there that can be deleted.
I followed instructions to locate the storage folder on my computer, but within that folder all Zotero items are stored in separate folders with an 8-digit codename (XWJDHDWI etc.). Short of clicking through all folders individually, is there some way of doing this? I'm not an IT expert so please bear that in mind with any suggestions or if i'm failing to do something obvious.
You could use a free general file/folder tool such as “WinDirStat” (for Windows) or OmniDiskSweeper” (for macOS) to sort the contents of the storage folder by size.
You would still have to open the file identified as largest to determine its actual identity (i.e. to which Zotero entry it belongs).