adding a research assistant (total newbie question)

Hi everyone, apologies for this total newbie question. I'm running Zotero 6.0.8 under osx 12.4 with Safari. I've just dragged my old bibliography/archive over from Mendeley. I need to give my research assistant full editing and administration access to my account, or at least My Library or specific folders in it. This will be till August probably, if it needs time limit. I can't figure out how to do this. Am I fundamentally misunderstanding how this works in Zotero? Do I need to creat a 'group'? If someone could point me to relevant faq or discussion I'd be grateful. I did a search in this forum but didn't find anything relevant.
  • I made a new private group and named them as members - all good I think.
  • Yeah, a private group is the standard option for this.
    Alternatively, it is possible for you to just share your account credentials and have them sync, but that means that they can't have their own Zotero library (or they'd have to run a fairly advanced multi-profile set-up which we wouldn't typically recommend).
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