Export list of titles and notes

Is there any way to get a list in Word format of just the titles of my items along with their notes? It can include authors, journal titles and dates if they don't take up too much space. The forum discussions I can find on this are minimum four years old. Here is what I've tried and doesn't work:

1) Annotated bibliography ("Create bibliography from items")- not possible because it can only use the "Extra" field which is part of the bilbilographic data; Zotero has no way to insert "Notes" into bibiographies

2) "Generate Report from Items" - not usable because single items often take up nearly an entire page because (1) there's so much white space between fields, as much as half an inch; (2) authors are all one per line and articles can have ten or twenty authors. I need to have about 10 to 20 citations per page, not one or two or three.

3) Zotero Report Customizer at Github - doesn't solve the problem because (1) it doesn't allow you to omit the authors (2) still has too much empty space between fields; (3) it's in html, not Word so I can't edit it

5) Zotero Report Customizer at http://jasonpriem.org/projects/report_cleaner.php - broken; says my html isn't from a Zotero report although it is
  • This addon zotero-better-notes may fit your need!

    With its note template function, you can select & import multiple items to a new note, with metadata and item notes/annotations/anything you want!

    Then, you can export this note to Word or Markdown file.

    The template is fully programmable. You can import anything you want in any format!

    See here: https://github.com/windingwind/zotero-better-notes
  • If you have any questions about the template, feel free to ask for help in a new issue or the template discussion issue.

    The community will provide the template you need!
  • hsiangyu_wong thank you, it looked great but it won't install. It says "not compatible with my version of Zotero". I went back and tried the earliest couple of versions too, the ones where the name seems to have been "Knowledge."
  • edited May 31, 2022
    It works with Zotero 5 & 6. Are you using a much older version of Zotero?
    Download the .xpi file from the release page. Don't download the source code. See https://github.com/windingwind/zotero-better-notes#install
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