Can a "Place" field please be added to "Statute"?
I have added a Statute, but there is no field for "Place", and some referencing styles (e.g. Taylor and Francis) require it. Because there is no "Place" field, the reference list reports "Place Unknown" which is really messy:
Place: I am presuming that it would the city that has the legislative authority. In my instance, I have a statute from Denmark, so it would Copenhagen.
The style is Taylor and Francis Council of Science Editors, author-date (
In the list of References, it appears like this:
Sundheds- og Ældreministeriet. 2020. Bekendtgørelse af lov om videnskabsetisk behandling af sundhedsvidenskabelige forskningsprojekter og sundhedsdatavidenskabelige forskningsprojekter [Internet]. [place unknown]; [accessed 2022 May 30].