Incorporating images into notes and reports?

I think this may be a double request, but it'd be great if:
1) We could automatically generate a note from the PDF "snapshot" tool in the same way that right-clicking on text in a web page can generate a note, and
2) If those images could be incorporated into the reports page.

I'm currently wading through hundreds of articles I once skimmed, and I'm realizing that the abstract and title of an article aren't quite enough to spur my memory of the methods, effect size, et cetera. What *does* reliably trigger my memory, though, is the figures and tables from a paper. I've started taking snapshots of the figures and saving them in an external document, but I haven't found a simple way to save them inside zotero. (It's a bit unwieldy to save the new document as its own file then point zotero to it.)

Even when I *do* save and link the new document, it doesn't show up in zotero's generated reports. It'd be great if the report tools either learned to incorporate images, or if they were customizable to the point where I could specify whether or not to include the images I've saved as notes.

Thoughts? Is there a way to do this now, or do other people have useful ways of quickly retrieving figures and tables without re-reading the PDF?

And, as always, thanks for a fantastic tool.
  • I second this. I sometimes include images in my list of selected items when clicking on "generate Report". It prints out the name of the image, but not the image itself! When I want to print something out for my reference, or send the HTML document to my collaborators, it would be much more helpful to have the images there for all to see.
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