What is the relation between the full-text index and weblinks?

After qqbb mentioned that the weblinks can't be rebuild after you clear the full-text index completely (see https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/comment/367168/#Comment_367168), I got curious if this is still the case and tested it on a smaller copy of my Zotero instance and it seems like it is rebuild but with the current state of the linked website since the number of words changed a bit. But I don't know how it works technically, so I have two questions:

If you rebuild the full-text index, will it be rebuild for the weblinks as well?

If the full-text index is deactivated (words and pages per file set to zero) and the full-text index cleared except for the weblinks, how are the (remaining) words used for the search since nothing is indexed?

A protocol of my index statistics while testing:

// before the test

indexed: 106
partial indexed: 0
not indexed: 3
words: 24926

// delete index except weblinks

indexed: 0
partial indexed: 0
not indexed: 109
words: 24926

// delete complete index

indexed: 0
partial indexed: 0
not indexed: 109
words: 0

// rebuild index

indexed: 109
partial indexed: 0
not indexed: 0
words: 25345

// delete index except weblinks

indexed: 0
partial indexed: 0
not indexed: 109
words: 25345

// delete complete index

indexed: 0
partial indexed: 0
not indexed: 109
words: 0

// rebuild index

indexed: 109
partial indexed: 0
not indexed: 0
words: 25345
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