PDFs not syncing!

Hi everyone - I'm trying to transfer my Zotero PDFs from my laptop to my desktop computer at work.

I've downloaded Zotero on the desktop and it looks like all the information has been filled on the desktop, but when I click on one of my citations, it will take me to the website where it was published and *not open the PDF on my desktop.*

I'm assuming when the sync happened, the PDFs on my laptop didn't transfer over to my desktop. How can I make this work? I basically want the same exact Zotero on my laptop to my desktop.

Thanks so much. <3
  • edited May 24, 2022
    when I click on one of my citations, it will take me to the website where it was published and *not open the PDF on my desktop.*
    That wouldn't be related to syncing. If a file wasn't syncing, you'd just get an error saying the file couldn't be found, with a link to the Files Not Syncing instructions.

    If you're double-clicking and it's opening the URL from the URL field or the DOI field, it just means there's no child attachment, which should also be clear from the items list. Whether a PDF is saved depends on the site you're saving from and whether you have access.
  • Problem solved - I didn't have enough storage for all my PDFs, so it only uploaded 300mb worth of PDFs. Once I bought more storage everything synced on both computers smoothly.

    Keeping this here for anyone that had a similar issue.

  • edited May 24, 2022
    OK, but this still sounds like a misunderstanding. Again, Zotero doesn't open the URL for an item if the file hasn't been synced due to your quota — it shows an error that the file can't be found because it hasn't synced.

    It sounds like you were conflating two different issues: some items' files not having synced and another item not having an attachment at all. The latter wouldn't change just because you added a storage subscription.
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