Style Request - University of Pretoria Faculty of Theology and Religion

UP has its own Harvard style. Unfortunately, I could not find the matching style and creating a style on my own is above my abilitys (as I found out after a couple hours)
So could you maybe help me?

Here are the two sample citations:
Campbell, J.L. & Pedersen, O.K., 2007, ‘The Varieties of Capitalism and Hybrid Success: Denmark in the Global Economy’, Comparative Political Studies 40(3),307–332.
(Campbell & Pedersen 2007:307-332)

Mares, I., 2001, ‘Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers?’ in Hall, P.A. & Soskice, D.W. (eds.), Varieties of capitalism: the institutional foundations of comparative advantage, pp. 184–213, Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York.
(Mares 2001:184-303)

Here is also the link to the faculty referencing guide:

Thank you so much in advance!
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