Feature Idea: Navigation Bar in Note Editor

Hi all!

I've been using the Note Editor as my primary writing tool for quite a while now (I started using it because the LibreOffice Note import is still a bit buggy, but really enjoy the distraction-free writing now).

As I mostly use the editor in its own window there's relatively much whitespace on the sides. I thought adding a simple navigation menu to quickly navigate to different headings might be a good way of using that space (and it would save me a lot of scrolling through long notes).

It would be great if you could consider this (but I understand of course if you have different priorities!)
  • whitespace in the Note Editor is too large,and can we make it smaller?
  • I want a Wider full screen。It just16cm now
  • As my notes are growing longer & longer I wanted to quickly repeat this wish for an easier way to navigate them. I know that the BetterNotes add-on can provide a TOC for notes, but I'd prefer to use as few add-ons as possible (especially since I do not really need the add-ons other features).
    Maybe the navigation could be accessible via a button from the top bar in the sidebar view or on the sides of the window in the standalone view of notes.
  • Since 2023 my notes have grown even more unwieldy, so I'd like to politely bump the request for an outline feature in the note editor; being able to quickly jump to certain sections would save me quite some scrolling.
  • Better Notes plugin significantly improved since Zotero 7 Beta, I would suggest you to check out the new features such as removal of workspace notes, ability to link any note to another one, local grap view, sidebar viewer for multiple notes, ability to open all notes in seperate tabs etc.
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