
I don't seem to be able to see any clipboard anywhere in my system. I checked to see if the item related to Clipborad is disabled, but there is no sign either. Would you someone help to access Clipboard function?
  • I'm not sure what you are referring to.
    The clipboard is where text goes when you select it and press copy (or ctrl+c/cmd+c).
    What exactly are you trying to do?
  • I am trying to cut and paste my bibliography from Clipboard. I don't see any Clipboard popping up anywhere. Also I noticed that my Zotero site is not connected to my printer either.
  • please explain more of what you are trying to do in your posts. This is really hard to follow. Usually a precise description of what you are trying to achieve and what you are currently doing makes it a lot easier for us.

    You will never see your clipboard in Zoter. As far as I know there are only very few programs that have visible clipboards - I can think of MS Office and Photoshop - Zotero is not one of them.
    If you export your bibliography to the clipboard it's there. You can paste it using paste from a menu/context menu or using ctrl+v.
    If you want to import your bibliography from clipboard that's not possible. The import from clipboard imports bibliographical data in formats such as BibTeX or RIS.

    I don't understand "Zotero site connected to printer".
  • I don't have Zotero in front of me now, but what I meant by "printer" is that when you highlight the items you want to print, you would right mouse click and you can select the one sending it directly to the printer option in the menu. When I do that, nothing happens. What do I need to do to connect actually to the printer?
  • when you highlight the items you want to print, you would right mouse click and you can select the one sending it directly to the printer option in the menu. When I do that, nothing happens.
    When you do what? Please review the bug reporting guidelines and provide exact steps to reproduce the problem and the exact text that you see on screen. It's really difficult to follow what you're saying.

    You can right-click on items in Zotero, generate a report from those items, and select Print from Firefox's File menu to print the generated report.
  • What he means is
    1. Select some items
    2. Create Bibliography from selected items
    3. One of the options given is "Print" (the others are HTML, Clipboard, RTF)
    When I select print and click OK nothing visible happens.

    But Dan is right, please don't turn this into a guessing game for us.
  • Error Report ID is 912236990:

    1. I highlighted three items in My Library to create a bibliography.
    2. I right-mouse clicked and selected "Create Bibliography from Selected Item..."
    3. In the window, I either select Copy to Clipboard or Print options under the Output Options menu.
    4. There is no sign of printing the bibliography or Clipboard with the information I selected.
  • Once again. You will not see the clipboard! Ever.
    When you select the clipboard option, after pressing OK you can just paste the library using ctrl+v or paste afterwards, into any word processor or text editor of your choice.
  • edited November 6, 2009
    Dan, I think akochan might be on to something about the select "print" and nothing happens issue. I am running Zotero 2.0b7.4 on Windows 7, FF 3.5. I can make a bibliography on the clipboard, but if I select "print" instead, nothing happens. No print dialog, no nothing. My default printer is Adobe Acrobat, so I should get some kind of dialog box even if it is going direct to the default printer.

    Akochan: The "clipboard" is a virtual place where the latest item you have copied, from whatever program, is stored. You can't see it. Just open up a document in your word processor and select Edit/Paste, or hold Ctrl and press v, or right click and select "paste" where you want to place your text, and the contents of the clipboard will be copied into your document where you can see them.
  • edited November 6, 2009
    srippon, thank you very much for your message. I will try again with "clipboard" option, but when I selected it, it didn't give me any "paste" option. I will try again.
  • Ok, it worked. After selecting "clipboard" option, I had to do extra "Alt + c" to copy and "Alt +v" to pate.
  • Yes, I can reproduce the "Print" issue, though I suspect that's actually been broken for quite some time and is just used rarely enough that almost no one noticed. Ticket created.
  • akochan: Something is wrong with your keys: alt isn't used for copy&paste on any operating system I'm aware of. It's ctrl on PC/Linux and Cmd on Mac.
  • Yes, it should have been "Ctl," not "Alt."
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