Highlighted citation, or not: how to toggle? (google Docs)

In google docs, using the same reference style (American Psychological Association 7th edition, in this case) sometimes citations are highlighted (grey) and sometimes they are not. If I copy and paste a citation from the same or another gDoc, the highlight format is also copied, so it appears to be in the background code for the citation.
Some documents, however seem to default one way or the other.
I would like to toggle hightlights on, for this style. How can that be done?
  • The grey highlight indicates that the citation was inserted with automatic citation updates disabled and it's not in its "final form". The grey highlight will disappear when you click Refresh in the Zotero menu in Google Docs.
  • Oh, makes sense. When I used Word and OpenOffice, I always chose "highlight fields" options, but Gdocs offers no such option.
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