Word Count issue with In-Line citations in Word 365
Hello! In short, I require a way to exclude in-line citations from the word count within MS word. This is distinct from the issue in older versions of word and therefore my issue cannot be fixed by using "unlink citations". I have a lot of citations within my writing however these do not count towards my word limit. I'm required to use Harvard referencing so the citations are often adding 4-12 words and it's making using Zotero which I love doing nearly impossible.
adamsmithCould you just switch to Nature style (or the like) for counting?
bwiernikYou can also open the Find and Replace window in Word, search for ^d to find all Fields and replace with a blank box to delete them. Then count your words and undo
DWL-SDCAIf you follow @bwiernik 's advice please be sure to save-as a version of your document with Zotero field codes and only delete the fields from a new copy. I have successfully followed that delete-codes and undo advice. But one time I didn't pay close attention, did something careless, and couldn't successfully undo. I saved a good current version first so I didn't suffer a loss. I frequently save-as a new version name every hour or two.