Feature Request: Check Webdav password if uploads/downloads not work

edited May 11, 2022
I had trouble with my webdav-sync between MacOS- and iOS-Zotero. The problem was that the password for the webdav-service changed, because it does that (or better: i have to change it) every couple of months due to institutional rules. Of course, I've forgotten the connection between zotero and my institutional password every time, so I wonder whether you could add an automated check if (a number of times) file access on another device does not work.
  • I'm not quite sure what you mean. If file syncing fails, you'll get a file sync error, which shows up the same as any other sync error — with a red error icon to the left of the Sync button in the Zotero toolbar. You can click it for more info.
  • I did not have that further info since did not - or could not - click the red icon. Sorry, I dont recall and will take this up next time I stumple.
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